Heaven and Hell and the strange campaign of the CSI of Spiritism and the Portal Luz Espírita


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The Luz Espírita portal, supported by biased surveys by Carlos Seth and others, continues to run an “odd campaign”1 against those who conclude differently from them, based on piles of evidence they choose to disregard. It is notable to say that, “on this side”, far from dismissing the evidence they found, we only verified that it does not prove the impossibility of the tampering having occurred. All they have is evidence that Kardec had started producing new editions of O Céu e o Inferno and A Gênesis, but not that he completed them nor that the works printed after his death were unchanged. Furthermore, they don't do the main thing: explain the absurd, unannounced and even contradictory differences between one edition and another.

The point is that we do not want to obtain a monopoly on common sense and truth, thing they insist on doing, without trying to do what matters most: explain the reason for the grotesque differences between the editions in question. We highlight, for example, some differences between the fourth edition of Heaven and Hell, recorded after Kardec's death, and the third edition (same as the first). Respectively:

Fourth edition of Heaven and Hell

Registered after Kardec's death.

  • Chapter VIII became chapter VII;
  • Most of the philosophical rhetoric with which Kardec opened the chapter was removed
  • The title “Future penalties according to Spiritism” became “Criminal code of the future life“.

7th — The Spirit suffers for the evil he has done, so that his attention is incessantly focused on the consequences of that evil, he better understands its inconveniences and is motivated to correct himself.

8th — Since God's justice is infinite, a rigorous account of good and evil is kept; if there is not a single bad action, a single bad thought that does not have its fatal consequences, there is not a single good action, a single good movement of the soul, the slightest merit, in a word, that is lost, even in the most perverse, because it is a beginning of progress.

9th — Every fault committed, every evil done, is a debt contracted that must be paid; If it is not so in one existence, it will be so in the next or subsequent ones, because all existences are in solidarity with each other. Whoever pays it off in the present existence will not have to pay a second time.

10 - The Spirit suffers the penalty of its imperfections, whether in the spirit world or in the corporeal world. All the miseries, all the vicissitudes we endure in corporeal life are the result of our imperfections, expiations of faults committed, whether in the present existence or in previous ones.

Heaven and Hell, 4th edition.

Item 10 is, perhaps, the biggest proof of tampering (click to read the article).

Third edition of Heaven and Hell

Published and registered by Allan Kardec.

Chapter VIII — Future penalties according to Spiritism

7. God's justice being infinite, a strict account of good and evil is kept; if there is not a single bad action, a single bad thought that does not have its fatal consequences, there is not a single good action, not a single good movement of the soul – in short, the simplest merit – that is lost, even in the most perverse , because it is a beginning of progress.

8. The duration of the punishment is subject to the perfection of the guilty spirit. No sentence for a fixed time is pronounced against him. What God requires to put an end to suffering is repentance, atonement and reparation — in short: a serious, effective improvement, as well as a sincere return to goodness.

The spirit is thus always the arbiter of its own destiny; he can prolong his sufferings by his hardening in evil, alleviate them or abbreviate them by his efforts to do good. A sentence for any given period of time would have the double disadvantage of either continuing to affect the spirit that had been perfected, or ending while it was still in evil. God, who is just, punishes evil while it exists; and ends punishment when evil no longer exists. Thus this expression is confirmed: I do not want the sinner to die, but for him to live, and I will accuse him UNTIL HE REPENTS.

9. Since the duration of the punishment is subordinated to repentance, it follows that the guilty spirit that did not repent and never perfected itself would always suffer, and that, for it, the punishment would be eternal. The eternity of punishment must then be understood in a relative sense, and not in an absolute sense.

Heaven and Hell, 1st to 3rd editions.

We can notice a stark difference between the editions. Likewise, the fifth edition of A Gênesis contains inexplicable changes between the edition published by Allan Kardec and the edition recorded almost three years after his death.

We spare no effort

We have already addressed the topic several times. Those mentioned above do not spare words and derogatory terms to try to discredit those who conclude differently from them. We, therefore, do our part, based on abundant evidence, and with the certainty that the other party never took the time to read and calmly reflect on all of it. We do not say: “this is the final truth”, but we say: “do not be guided by anyone who tries to take a monopoly on the truth”.

It is interesting to note how the other party's texts are always in love, that is, they carry a great note of emotion and apparent anger or envy. This already denotes an urgency to provoke belief by means other than those of reason. In fact, in his desire to dominate the truth, Carlos Seth has already committed gaffes as banal as wanting to say that Talking about Rational Spiritualism would be bringing a division to the spiritist environment.

It is even more interesting to note that they Never they mention the name of Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo, nor do they bring their evidence and arguments to the discussion. They just say that they have already refuted everything — which we profoundly disagree with. They do the same with Simoni Privato, although they still mention its name.

Well, without trying to prolong this subject in a tiring manner, we are always grateful for the free propaganda that they themselves carry out against ideas that they cannot accept.


Reading Recommendations (Books)

  1. I take the liberty of using the same term used by them against anyone they disagree with. []

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