Study Group The Legacy of Allan Kardec



Undersigned: FEB does not represent Spiritism

Original (unadulterated) works by Kardec for download: Heaven and hell and The Genesis

Study Recommendations

Autonomy, the True Spiritist Idea — Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo

Good and Evil, Punishments and Rewards, Shadow and Light

Allan Kardec and the moral revolution of humanity

Allan Kardec and the moral revolution of humanity

Study of the Book “Heaven and Hell” – Spiritist Moral

Study: Rational Spiritualism and Spiritism

The strength of Spiritism – Live on the Zilda Gama channel

Reading Recommendations (Books)

  • The harshest mediumistic communication received by Kardec: Campaign plan against Spiritism

    The harshest mediumistic communication received by Kardec: Campaign plan against Spiritism

    On November 10, 1867, through the medium Mr. T…, Kardec received a very serious communication regarding the role of enemies in the fight against Spiritism. We reproduce the article below, in full, given its importance for all those seriously interested in Spiritism, as it demonstrates the artifices of the campaign plan…

  • Has Allan Kardec's book Genesis really been adulterated?

    Has Allan Kardec's book Genesis really been adulterated?

    The book Genesis was adulterated, but, using subterfuge, some people try to direct opinions, without bringing all the facts to the table.

  • The Mesa Girante channel and the adulterations in Heaven and Hell

    The Mesa Girante channel and the adulterations in Heaven and Hell

    Recently, the Mesa Girante channel, on YouTube, produced a video discussing another video, by Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo, talking about the work “Nem Céu, Nem Inferno”, from around 3 years ago. The work deals with the legal fact ((The adulterations of A Gênesis and O Céu e o Inferno are legal facts, for the mere reason that they were released...

  • The strongest evidence of tampering with Allan Kardec's Heaven and Hell

    The strongest evidence of tampering with Allan Kardec's Heaven and Hell

    The adulterations of A Gênesis and O Céu e o Inferno are undisputed legal facts, for the mere reason that editions were released, with changes, after the death of the author and without legal deposit - this is what at least four specialized legal operators claim: Simoni Privato , Júlio Nogueira, Lucas Sampaio and Marcelo Henrique. This legal fact is beyond any consideration and, therefore…

  • Allan Kardec and the moral revolution of humanity

    Allan Kardec and the moral revolution of humanity

    Allan Kardec and the Moral Revolution of Humanity — Lecture by Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo

  • The Double Concept of Good and Evil

    The Double Concept of Good and Evil

    The double concept of good and evil is a false idea: doing what is right is considered acting in good, while making mistakes is seen as acting in evil. Consequently, each failure committed by the person accompanies self-condemnation, as if committing an evil act. In reality, it is natural to make mistakes when carrying out any activity…

  • If Spiritism is just a belief, we ask you to prove it!

    If Spiritism is just a belief, we ask you to prove it!

    Some people, averse to the idea of the existence of the soul or the Spirit, say about Spiritism (without knowing it): it is just a belief, and nothing more! We urgently ask that these people prove what they say and, in addition, replace Spiritism, in its eventual collapse, with something better. This article is linked to the previous article,…

Allan Kardec's Legacy

The name given to this group – Allan Kardec's Legacy Study Group – was inspired by the work of the same name, by Simoni Privato, who, carrying out field research, collected numerous proofs and evidence of the deviation made, after the Professor's death, in Spiritism and in his work, Genesis.

For having been such a well-founded and dedicated work, our thanks and tribute to her through this initiative.

General concordance in teaching is the doctrine’s essential character, the condition even of its existence. It is evident that all principles which have not received the consecration of general agreement can only be considered as a fractional part of this same doctrine, merely as a simple, isolated opinion for which Spiritism cannot assume the responsibility.

It is the concordant, collective teaching of the spirits who have passed beyond which constitutes the logical criterion, giving strength to the spiritual doctrine and assuring to it perpetuity.

Allan Kardec – Genesis