Nobody is a teacher of Spiritualism

Cover image: woman, if therefore as a teacher, in front of a blackboard. In the picture, a projected enlargement of Allan Kardec and his works

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Cover image: Photo by Andrea Piacquadio at the pexels

The Spiritist Doctrine has suffered a lot because of individuals who think that, because read Kardec — which is quite different from study and understand Kardec, which requires other knowledge, properly contextualized, as is the case of Rational Spiritualism — they believe that they can put themselves in the position of teaching, in your own way, what Spiritism is and, worse, how are the concepts and themes that were not even approached or developed in the space of time in which Spiritism developed as it should be: as a science.

See: Spiritism is a natural law. As such, it has always existed and will always exist and, of this law, we know only a small part, the doctrine named Spiritism. Recognizing, however, that we know very little about this law of nature does not mean to say that what we know is invalid and, in certain respects, conclusive, as long as it is very well grounded, with certainty, in doctrinal concepts. It just means recognizing that the spiritist science is not concluded, but rather that it is the basis, just as the studies of Isaac Newton provided the basis for Physics.

Our role first must be that of a humble student, because, most of the time, we do not even understand all the concepts brilliantly developed by Allan Kardec in his works. In fact, knowing that his last two works, O Céu e o Inferno and A Genesis were tampered with and that Rational Spiritualism and Magnetism were almost erased by time, we have to recognize that we learned a lot wrong and that we failed to learn so many others.

What we have today, in general, is a very meager and superficial knowledge, in addition to being often distorted, of Spiritism “contained” in Kardec's works. As if that weren't enough, putting Kardec into oblivion, we started to admit as doctrinal other concepts that, in most cases, did not pass through the sieve of reason, nor the control of the scientific method, so well developed by the coder. And, armed with all this lack of knowledge, many have wanted to dictate Spiritism, according to their visions and conceptions. That is why, of what we are not sure about, because there is nothing conclusive in Spiritism, we cannot say anything, although we can say, paradoxically, that many certainties, which persist today in the spiritist movement, are not exact, like the existence of the threshold.

We don't go much further. Our texts and studies are full of notes and examples of everything we said above. We end up reaffirming: we are not teachers, but students, and we will never be closed to re-evaluating any idea or content that proves to be wrong or incomplete, according to an irrefutable and irrefutable logic of facts that, perhaps, we have come to not fully understand or know.

That's it, for the sake of humanity, which we invite everyone.


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