Mozart's House Drawings


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In this article, Kardec brings a letter from one of his subscribers, saying that, despite the medium Victorien Sardou say that, in Mozart's house drawing, only saw the treble clef repeated, and never the bass clef, this subscriber saw the existence of the bass clef, as well as the C clef, in minor details of the drawing, which went unnoticed by the eyes of Mr. Sardou.

Treble Clef and Bass Clef. Source: Image from the Internet

According to Kardec, this is yet another point that demonstrates the good faith of this medium, who did not act deliberately and, in fact, demonstrated that he was oblivious to the drawings obtained through mediumship.

“All the parts are thus begun and simultaneously continued, without any one of them being completed before another begins. This results, at first sight, in an incoherent whole, whose end is only understandable when everything is finished.”

Kardec, RE 1858

And here we have an important aspect of the arts, including the Spiritists: morality, united to the beautiful, creating important mental connections.

We also highlight the pictorial mediumship. We leave here a video of mediums who for years made paintings in this way:

Medium paints a live picture with spiritual intervention
Claudia Rosa de Arruda Ferreira part. 1

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