
The strongest evidence of tampering with Allan Kardec's Heaven and Hell

Visualizações: 3,797 São fatos jurídicos incontestes as adulterações de A Gênese e O Céu e o Inferno, pela mera questão de terem sido lançadas edições, com alterações, após a morte do autor e sem o depósito legal – assim afirmam ao menos quatro operadores read more

The problems of belief in nothingness (nihilism) and punishment

Views 129 Belief in punishment, even within Spiritism (or the Spiritist Movement) and belief in nothing lead man to two very complicated situations. Let us see: When one believes in nothing, man concentrates on the enjoyment of the present, at any cost. This is what Kardec shows us in Heaven and the... read more

Spiritism and Science: overcoming modern challenges and errors

In this article, we explore the challenges faced by Spiritism as a scientific doctrine. We highlight the importance of the scientific method recommended by Allan Kardec, emphasizing the need for psychological analysis of evocations. The lack of this rigor undermines the credibility of the Doctrine in the modern scientific context.

Autonomous morality and heteronomous morality

In the heteronomous world, we attribute everything to something external: the fault lies with the devil or the obsessor, the effect lies with divine wrath, and the reparation lies with the karmic imposition. Everything, absolutely everything in the heteronomous world comes as an external imposition, through laws that we respect out of obligation and not out of understanding. And in the absence of her or her actors, we find ourselves without limits and even without self-love.