
The scientific continuity of Spiritism

Not only from unchecked spiritist communications does this sad scenario form. Many others erect true systems of ideas on metaphors used by Kardec in his studies, failing to understand that scientists, especially at that time, glimpsing new scientific aspects that they had no way of explaining, created metaphors to try to give light to the idea they sought to express, entrusting the continuity of science with better explanations.

Exploring the Double Material Theory in the Spirit World with Allan Kardec

Visualizações: 1,251 As manifestações espiritas sempre foram um ponto nevrálgico na Doutrina Espirita. Foi através dessas manifestações e sua melhor compreensão que Kardec conseguiu estabelecer a sua filosofia moral. Assim, destacamos esse estudo de 1859 exposto na Revista Espirita de read more