Group Information

To better understand the purposes of this group, read the page "group purpose", carefully. Discover our “regiment” and the “first steps” recommended.

As a study group, we need to build on something. For this, we chose to follow the studies through the Spiritist Magazine, in chronological order, which will give us the basis for many deepenings. This study will produce:

  • videos, to be published in our Youtube channel
  • articles, to be published on this site
  • other media may be used, such as our Group it's ours Page, both on Facebook.

Regarding the organization of this group and the desire to make it multiply everywhere, we ask you to carefully read the contents of the “recommendations booklet” and page “how to create your group“.

Finally, we have in “forum” the area where members can interact regarding internal and public discussions; in "latest videos” we have the list of the latest Youtube content, produced by this group and, in “articles“, we have a section dedicated to the publication of articles on topics relevant to this group.

Members to be accepted into this group will be very carefully vetted about their intentions. If you think you can add to this group, or if you would just like to follow content and meetings as a “beginner”, Click here. We will be very happy to have you with us!