Knowing True Spiritism

I am always emphatic in demonstrating that the Spiritist Movement is considerably far from true Spiritism. We almost always find the Spiritist Movement, represented by the Spiritist Centers, the FEB, the USE and the speakers and representatives of these institutions, surrounded by atavisms, trapped in systems of ideas built on distortions and spiritist romances, attached to their own opinions gradually formed over decades. of a teaching distanced from Kardec and full of Roustaing, or supported on the false ideas born by adulteration of Heaven and Hell. As a result, the Spiritist Movement distanced itself from the logical and clear face of spiritual science and became a new religious variant, something that Spiritism has never been (nor will it ever be).

In the last almost four years (I write in February 2024), what I thought I knew about Spiritism has suffered a huge shock. It started with reading Allan Kardec's Legacy, followed by the reading of “Nem Heaven, Nor Hell: the laws of the soul according to Spiritism” and then went deeper with the inauguration of our Study Group, where we began to study the Spiritist Magazine and also with the reading of the works of Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo, dealing both with Rational Spiritualism, a scientific-philosophical movement of the 19th century that gave basis to the emergence of Spiritism, and with the true face of Spiritism.

I am, therefore, interested in summarizing, in this article, some recommendations for the Spiritist student, wishing to free themselves from the webs of the stagnant and dogmatic Spiritist Movement, to get to know and experience true Spiritism in their lives. Let's go in order:

  1. Study the work Neither Heaven nor Hell: the laws of the soul according to Spiritism, where it will be possible to understand the importance of the adulteration of the work Heaven and Hell.
  2. Study the work Autonomy — The Untold History of Spiritism:
  3. Study the work “Final Point: the reunion of Spiritism with Allan Kardec“, where it will be possible to understand what actually happened to Spiritism on Brazilian soil.
  4. Create a study group on the Revista Espírita (1858–1869). It is there that you can learn about the formation of the Spiritist Doctrine, with a great gain in understanding through the study of the previous work — “Autonomy”.

Concomitantly with these previous steps, here are some suggestions for content that can be studied with great benefit:

I hope this can be very useful to you. If you have any doubts, contact.

And this resistance, how is it going?

So, my friend, how is this resistance going? Yes, the same one, from diving on Kardec. We won't lie: it's not easy. But who said learning is easy? It takes time and effort, yes. Oh, lack of time? Is it really missing? And that time you must be spending watching videos on Facebook or Instagram? No, by no means are we saying that relaxing with an “empty” mind is not important, especially after a long day at work… But could it not be possible to fit in a reading before bed? Half an hour, whatever, helps a lot. Oh, you learn better by listening? Solved: Today, apps like Google Books and Amazon Alexa do instant voice reading for you.

Não, de forma alguma nos colocamos na condição do aluno exemplar. Longe disso. Tem gente que está muito mais à frente, muito mais envolvida, muito mais dedicada. Mas cada um faz o que pode. A questão é que o “não posso”, muitas vezes, simplesmente dá lugar à ocupação inútil do tempo… E você já conhece aquele ditado: “mente vazia é oficina do diabo”. Não do diabo, propriamente, mas vai saber o tipo de companhia que nos rodeia quando nossa mente está apenas mergulhada nessa materialidade do dia-a-dia…

Could it be that, deep down, what exists is not a resistance? Analyze yourself—you don't have to tell anyone. Could it be that what exists is not an accommodation, because it is easier to believe in the little that is known — in the lights themselves, Kardec would say — or in what they tell you? Well, here's some bad news: Creation is based on autonomy, and there's only one being in the universal space capable of making you progress — and it's not God: it's yourself. Progress, however, is made of two components: intelligence and morale. For the Spirit to progress in morals, it is necessary to have intelligence — not that intelligence of an Einstein, but the intelligence that reasons, based on knowledge. And behold, the Spiritist Doctrine, formed by the scientific study of Kardec (yes, scientific) brought us an incredibly deep and transformative knowledge.

Yes, I know: reading novels and stories about fantastic places is very enjoyable and activates the imagination. But could it be that the absence of Kardec's studies, preferring novels, is not also due to resistance on his part, linked, who knows, to a little bit of pride in imagining that he holds the truth — especially when this "truth" was studied for decades on end?

Yeah, I know it too: it sucks to be wrong. No one likes to find themselves in error. But hey, that's the way it is: evolution is based on trial and error, or success. “To err is human”. The problem is getting attached to the mistake. And, another bad news: when studying Kardec, yes, we will see that we are, many times, attached to a series of flagrant errors. Yes, it's annoying to see that we spend long decades learning Spiritism the wrong way, but, well, who doesn't? Furthermore, it is very unlikely that we will err by will. Often, the very force of circumstances leads us to this: we grow up in the environment, which also learned the wrong way. What we had within our reach was the product of that culture. Okay, it happens.

No, the purpose of Spiritism is not mediumship, especially that mediumship that only serves as a telephone waiting for a call, nor is it to analyze other people's lives to identify whether someone is going through such difficulty because they have, as many assume, " kicked dog” in past life. No.

So, coming to this point, I again ask: what about this resistance? Why this resistance? The superior spirits themselves — yes, I am also sorry to say this, but we are right there at the end of the line, right on the first step of the conscious evolutionary scale — they themselves dedicate a very great effort, out of disinterested charity, out of moral duty, to help us. to understand. And the codification it's there for that. But—jeez, another bad news! — it is not enough to read The Spirits' Book as a sacred code, or to open The Gospel According to Spiritism at random, following the communications of the Spirits as a plank of salvation, without reasoning. No, I'm sorry to say. Spiritism is science and, as a science, it is progressive.

– Quer dizer que os Espíritos não deram algo pronto para seguirmos?

No, not at all, never. And this is very well demonstrated in that publication that you have certainly heard of, but still resist studying: the Spiritist Magazine. So it is. This monthly publication, from 1858 to 1869, was prepared by Kardec with a very wise purpose: after The Spirits' Book, he needed a way to disseminate knowledge, at the same time that he could establish correspondence with people from all over, receiving Thus, from everywhere, the confirmations or denials of communications given separately by the Spirits. The Spiritist Magazine was Kardec's laboratory, where we can understand very well the formation of the Spiritist Doctrine, culminating, finally, in his two final works — O Céu e o Inferno and A Gênese.

Then again, why the resistance to studying it? Yes, I already said it: I know it's not easy, especially if it's alone, but today we have the facility of instant communication over the Internet. Is it really that impossible to find a little time a week for group study? Reflects. But I'm already advancing: there is no teacher of Spiritism. Everyone is free to draw rational conclusions about what they know, without, however, giving final words about what is not established. This would be nothing more than opinion, and opinion is not science, nor does it build anything other than religious errors, in the sense here addressed.

But is this resistance fear? Afraid of seeing yourself in error? Afraid of realizing you've said the wrong things to other people? Afraid, perhaps, of noticing that he acted wrongly and alienated people from the Doctrine, for expressing wrong things? Perhaps? Well, fear of being caught in error is attachment, and it's a protective cover for something much deeper: pride. We've said it before: everyone makes mistakes. For our part, you have no idea how much we've made mistakes! But, for our part, we can say: how good it is to realize the error in time, recognize it and, who knows, resume contact with these people, saying: “I was wrong, and everything or almost everything I told you about Spiritism was false. See, this is reality.”

On the path of evolution, there will always be time. It will never be late. But attachment makes us live longer away from happiness. Were we taught that we are here to pay debts, as if the incarnation were a punishment? Well, if Spiritism not only says, but demonstrates the opposite, great! We were taught about a fully material life in the spirit world, but does Spiritism prove this to be an illusion of the attached Spirit? Well then, I don't want to develop that attachment! We were taught that we cannot evoke, but only wait for communication from the Spirits, which we take for the truth, but does Spiritism demonstrate that this is not how it works? Good, then let's fix it and get us on track again. We were taught that Spiritism is only practiced at the center, but does Kardec demonstrate a totally opposite reality — safeguarding the need for seriousness, knowledge and purpose for this? Well, let's pursue this reality.

We can say of ourselves: we are not afraid to prove our ignorance. In fact, what has unfolded in front of us about Spiritism, for us, who can hardly call ourselves diligent students, is wonderful, it is exciting, it removes the supernatural, it overthrows mysticism and it shows that Spiritism has a depth never before understood .

Let's study? We are here to help with whatever we can! Want tips? Want to study with us? Do you want to create a channel for questions and debates about what each group studies? Want suggestions on how and where to start? We're here. We are far from having the ideal model that can be applied to any situation, but we have already gone through some learning in these almost two years of studies. Count on us.

The study of the Spiritist Magazine, right in the first year, deconstructs many errors inserted in the Spiritist milieu, the most serious and present of which is the habit of blindly guiding us by the opinions of isolated Spirits, but it also shows us many previously unknown truths, in addition to leave with many doubts about other things, doubts that will only be answered with the continued study of this work. Therefore, the recommendation that nobody put yourself in the position of having the final word, or jumping to conclusions. Conjecturing, based on prior knowledge, is not prohibited. Reaching different conclusions is also not prohibited. What matters is to seek the joint construction of understanding, in cooperation, not in dispute. The important thing is that the only way to get to know Spiritism is this: studying Kardec, preferably in possession of knowledge of the scientific context in which the Spiritist Doctrine was developed (see Recommended Works).

Have you ever stopped to reflect on missed opportunities? In everyday life, we tend to forget that we are not forgotten, and that there is a good Spirit often inspiring us. How many times has he not taken you in contact with important studies, and how many times has he not passed up this opportunity? We say this on our own behalf.

So, enough resistance, enough blaming what is external, and shall we study?

Ps: it doesn't hurt to say that, in the illustration on the cover, the little devil is our own attachment, which leads us to evil, and not just any external figure. In the same way that we choose, by our own will, not to listen to the good advice of the superior Spirits, we choose to listen or not to listen to the bad advice of the imperfect Spirits who love us because of our attachments.

New Horizons

In the first half of 2021, I had — and I don't even remember how — contact with the work of Simoni Privato — The Legacy of Allan Kardec — a work that shook me a lot, given the understanding of everything that happened with the French Spiritist Movement, after Kardec's death, and how much this defined the direction of this movement in the following century, especially in Brazil. Then, “by chance”, someone posted, in a group, a question about a recently released work at the time: “Neither heaven nor hell”, by Lucas Sampaio and Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo (PHF). The first thought was: it must be absurd. But the title was too challenging to pass up. I decided to research and found an article, on a spiritist blog, talking about the work... And, to understand what the bases of what the authors were saying were, I acquired and read the work, with great avidity, I must confess.

. Demerit? None. I studied what was within my reach. Humiliation? Only if I thought that the truth was just what I knew and that, outside of that, nothing would exist. But if there's one thing I knew about Kardec, by tradition of studying The Spirits' Book with my father, it was his great commitment to the scientific search for the truth, which was the reason that instigated me to study, without attachments. But… Study what? I already knew most of the Spirits' Book. The essence of The Mediums' Book, too. I mean: in the face of what was within my reach, the moral and scientific essence seemed to me to be well understood.

A fact that caught my attention and that perhaps intuition reinforced is that there must be something important in this “Spiritist Magazine”, since these authors often resorted to very pertinent and insightful quotes from Kardec or Spirits, contained in these volumes. Thus, this initiative and our study group were born… But you probably already know all of this. That's not the point, I just thought it would be interesting to demonstrate, once again, the path I've taken so far, as this path is taking me to places I've never visited before.

A very important fact that happened in this trajectory was the approximation with the Grupo de Estudos Espiritismo para Todos, which happened because, in contact with Paulo Henrique, he himself referred me to someone from that group, who studied with him the works of Kardec and its scientific context. Then came the knowledge of Rational Spiritualism, which we have discussed here several timesand, more recently, a massive in-depth study of Kardec's entire context, which is unknown today. Metaphysics, something unknown or disconnected from current science, was an elementary part of any scientist's studies at the time, and it was this, along with everything that science provided at the time, that made the formation of the Spiritist Doctrine possible.

In the same way that Science itself has as its object the study of the laws of the material principle, the special object of Spiritism is the knowledge of the laws of the spiritual principle. Now, as this last principle is one of the forces of nature which incessantly reacts on the material principle and reciprocally, it follows that the knowledge of the one cannot be complete without the knowledge of the other; that Spiritism and Science complement each other; that Science without Spiritism is unable to explain certain phenomena resorting only to the laws of matter, and for having dispensed with the spiritual principle, it finds itself in the midst of so many difficulties; that Spiritism without Science would lack support and control and could make mistakes. If Spiritism had arrived before scientific discoveries, it would have failed, like everything that happens before its time.

KARDEC, Allan. The Genesis, 1868

It's impossible to describe everything we've studied so far in this article alone. The reader who follows us will be able to identify when reading the texts on this site, various suggestions and clues that we often give and that it is up to each person whether or not they want to investigate. The fact is that we are reaching a point, following the studies of our friend Paulo Henrique, where my first questions are beginning to be answered: is it possible to return to Spiritism, studied scientifically, as Kardec did? Is it possible to resume contact with the Spirits, continuing the formation, or even the doctrinal recovery? Indeed, it is possible (and I write this with a smile on my face).

Have a look: Kardec had understood and advanced on scientific points that we had never suspected, and this could be verified through a method that will soon be made known to us and to the dear reader, because the interest is to present it to humanity. Not just the method, in fact, but the knowledge found through it. In my study with PHF, where this knowledge is being developed, I could feel nothing but very diminished compared to Kardec. I felt ignorant of my previous understanding of Spiritism. With each new realization, I laughed, but it wasn't a laugh of disdain or sarcasm: it was a laugh that was impossible to contain, expressing my level of ignorance in the face of the size of Spiritist science, formed by Kardec's studies through years of learning from the Spirits.

We already know (and if you don't, hurry up and read the Spiritist Review) that when we learn from the spirits, we can't treat them as revelators to whom all we have to do is ask and they'll answer with the theory ready. No.

“… in the world of spirits a very singular fact occurs, which surely no one had suspected – that there are spirits that do not consider themselves dead. Well then: the superior Spirits, who know this fact perfectly, never came to say in advance: “There are Spirits who suppose they still live in terrestrial life; preserving their tastes, habits and instincts”. Instead, they caused the manifestation of Spirits of this category so that we could observe them. Thus, after seeing Spirits who are insecure about their state, or claiming to belong to this world and carrying out their usual occupations, the rule can be deduced from the example. The multiplicity of similar facts proved that this is not an exception, but one of the phases of spiritual life, allowing us to study all the varieties and causes of this singular illusion, in addition to recognizing, above all, that this situation is typical of Spirits who are not yet morally advanced, and characteristic of certain types of death; which is only temporary, but can last days, months and years. Thus, the theory was born from observation. The same happened with all the other principles of the doctrine.”

KARDEC, Allan. Ibid.

It's easy to see, therefore, how much knowledge these studies require and, in a century where each area is niche, that is, where the physicist doesn't study philosophy; where the mathematician doesn't know botany; where the chemist doesn't know astronomy, and where none of them know metaphysics, it's even easier to understand the difficulty we face. I recognize that adventuring in these studies is not for everyone, and I can only behave like a goose (because I don't want to compare myself to a hen, that would be too humiliating), chasing the crumbs that fall from the hands of the one who planted and who now reaps the grains of the plantation.

Well, as I was saying, new horizons are opening up and everyone who is interested in learning and spreading knowledge can and should throw themselves into their studies in whatever way they can. It's difficult to gather all the lessons learned in order to take up the scientific study of Spiritism in our own hands, but who says we need to be as brilliant as Einstein to understand the essence of the laws of our universe, as demonstrated by this great genius? We can behave in the same way with Spiritism: all it takes is dedication, putting our minds to work and, on our part, researching, questioning and delving into everything that seems nebulous to us. The most important thing of all is that we are not alone: in a group, construction becomes much more fruitful, as each person, being in a position to help and be helped, assists and participates in the construction of knowledge. All that we need to do is get out of the position of being teachers of Spiritism.

We ended our last study with Paulo saying something more or less like this: “if this knowledge is so interesting and transformative for us, who are ignorant, imagine for those who are intelligent!”. Yes. Imagine what it would be like for a mathematician to discover that Spiritism talks about mathematics. Imagine what it will be like for the physicist, the chemist, the doctor, the philosopher, to realize that, in Spiritism, it is all about this, with moral aspect and without mysticism? From what can everything be deduced from Natural Law, and what is Spiritism about?

But, to achieve this, it is necessary to overcome some barriers created by materialism, not only in science, but also within the spiritist movement. Firstly, it will be necessary to demonstrate that modern science, by turning its back on metaphysics, has become as dogmatic as the Church which, in the past, treated as a heretic anyone who stated that the Earth revolved around the sun, or that it burned. witches” for claiming to be hearing or seeing Spirits. Then, it will be necessary to demonstrate that what they think is Spiritism — often based on absurd things they read out there, other times based on what acquaintances present to them, so-called spiritists, but dogmatic and walking on false ideas, or even false confusion between Spiritism and modern, mystical, superstitious and also dogmatic spiritualism — it will be necessary to demonstrate, I said, that this is not Spiritism. It will be necessary to demonstrate that Spiritism was (is) something so rational and serious, an undeniable fact, that, more than 150 years ago, it advanced truths that Science is only now confirming. Finally, for those who reach this point, through the use of common sense, it will be necessary to demonstrate that Spiritism, as a science very well established in its time, was formed in the same way as all other sciences of observation, being, therefore, rational — as rational as the search, in current physics, for the existence of dark matter or the existence of other universes, guided by effects whose causes are not, and may never be, directly observable. Here's the challenge.

I needed help, and, despite the predominance of Catholic religious culture, I found some volumes of the Spiritist Magazine on the shelf! No. I opened it and leafed through it, but at that moment I didn't go any further. It was necessary to pass the trouble, to, only later, give attention to such work, through the process explained above. It is natural for everyone to follow their path, and we must respect each other's choices. Perhaps those who cling to and close themselves off from knowledge believe that they are doing good, just as many of those who burned scientific works believed that they were doing what was right (which does not exempt them from their responsibility, but which mitigates their faults, before their consciences). Let us present the knowledge if we wish, but if they wish to burn it let them be while we do our part. Time takes care of everything.

Well, I've written a lot. I stop here for this moment. I need to harvest some grains that were left along the way.

Genesis Studies – Spiritism for All Study Groups (EPT)

Estudos, em português, realizados sobre a obra “A Gênese”, da editora FEAL, which is based on the 4th edition, original, and not in the 5th edition, tampered with.

If you would like information on how to actively participate in the studies, contact.

Estudos – A Gênese 2022 | Turma 3 | Terça

Estudos – A Gênese 2021 | Turma 2 | Sábado

Estudos – A Gênese 2021 | Turma 3 | Terça

Estudos – A Gênese 2020 | Turma 2 | Sábado

Estudos – A Gênese 2020 | Turma 1 | Quinta

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Heaven and Hell Studies – Spiritism Study Groups for All (EPT)

Estudos, em português, realizados sobre a obra “O Céu e o Inferno”, da editora FEAL, which is based on the 3rd edition, original, and not in the 4th edition, tampered with.

If you would like information on how to actively participate in the studies, contact.

Studies on Tuesdays

studies on saturdays

Completed Studies

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Weekly Studies of the Spiritist Revolution Work, with the Spiritism for All Study Group

O Espiritismo “é uma total revolution that operates in ideas; revolução maior e mais poderosa porquanto não se restringe a um povo nem a uma casta, pois alcança simultaneamente, pelo coração, todas as classes, todas as nacionalidades, todos os cultos” (Allan Kardec – A Gênese)

To reach this revolution of ideas, which starts from the individual to his social circle and, from there, to the world, it is necessary to study and knowledge, which feeds and underpins individual and autonomous transformation. So let's study!

We meet weekly, on Wednesdays, 15:00h (São Paulo time, GMT -3), as of 08/03/22.

Attention: We will start on the 03/08/22.

good conduct agreement

The work in question touches on quite controversial topics, as it analyzes several of the social problems and systems of social reform, including Marxism and socialism. Following in Kardec's footsteps, we emphasize that It will not be our intention to carry out in-depth analyzes on these topics; we will limit ourselves to maturing, together with the author, the understanding of the spiritist philosophy in its educational application, since Spiritism promotes a revolution of ideas, which go from the individual to society, respecting the autonomy and conscience of each one, differently from what proposes most of these systems. Entering the path of debate on these issues, which easily becomes a passionate political debate, should not be our purpose, and will always be restrained, in the name of the good progress of our studies.

Application form

To participate in the study room, fill in the form below. You will receive a confirmation in your email, which must be sent to the address

At first, the studies will be recorded, for later evaluation and posting on Youtube (you must agree with this). However, we will not carry out simultaneous transmission of these studies, in order to better evaluate the recorded content.

Final point: the reunion of Spiritism with Allan Kardec – study of the work

The sister group, Grupo de Estudos Espiritismo para Todos (EPT) is developing studies of a very interesting and important work, on its YouTube. Weekly, on Saturdays, they look at the book “Ponto Final: o reencontro do Espiritismo com Allan Kardec”, a work in which Wilson Garcia goes deep and scrutinizes the paths that led the current Spiritist Movement to be this religious, dogmatic movement, far from science and averse to reason and logic.

We have no other way of saying it: Wilson Garcia really puts his finger on the wound, in a necessary and urgent action, following the path started many decades ago by other scholars of the Spiritist Doctrine and, more recently, by the works of Simoni Privato and Paulo Henrique de Figueiredo.

We'll highlight a short excerpt from the book's introduction, then link to videos from the EPT studies, which you can follow or even participate in.

Certainly, spiritism has been seriously affected in its credibility by the proliferation of charlatans and speculators who present themselves as healers, fortune tellers or fortune tellers, who use the doctrine's name in an inappropriate and abusive way. Similarly, the publication of pamphlets and books full of strange messages loaded with an anachronistic religious mysticism, tempered with supposed revelations and apocalyptic prophecies, announced by entities of heterogeneous origin or category, contributes to discredit the publication of pamphlets and books full of strange messages. It is necessary to add to this pandemonium the proliferation of works of spiritualist or esoteric tendencies that surround the borderline areas of spiritist thought, in whose pages, in a veiled or explicit way, the affirmation that they surpass spiritism, supposedly bearers of more current knowledge or modern.

All this semantic and conceptual chaos, of which the doctrine founded and systematized by Kardec is absolutely foreign, affects to a greater or lesser extent the progress of the spiritist movement from its origins to the present day, in France and elsewhere in Europe, as well as in Brazil and in numerous countries on the American continent. It is enough to remember the insistent efforts that are made within the ranks of Kardecism to demarcate and protect themselves from the influences generated by Ramatisism, Ubaldist monism, Trincadism, the Basilio cult, Emanuelism, Umbanda and other syncretisms, and, of course, Roustainuism. , denomination that receives the set of theories and beliefs gathered in the work The four Gospels […]

GARCIA, Wilson. Final point: the reunion of Spiritism with Allan Kardec. EME Publisher, 2020.

If you would like information on how to actively participate in the studies, contact.

Click below to watch the playlist videos of this study.