Remorse and regret

Esse texto, intitulado “Remorso e Arrependimento”, foi integralmente extraído da Revista Espírita de maio de 1860:

"I am happy to see you all united by the same faith and love for Almighty God, our divine Lord. May he always guide you on the right path and shower you with his benefits, which he will do if you make yourselves worthy.

Always love one another as brothers; help one another, and let love of neighbor not be a meaningless word to you.

Remember that charity is the most beautiful of virtues, and that of all, it is the most pleasing to God, not only that charity which gives an offering to the unfortunate, but that charity which pities the miseries of our brothers and sisters; which makes you share in their moral pain, lighten the burden that oppresses them, in order to make their pain less vivid and their lives easier.

Remember that sincere repentance obtains forgiveness for all faults, so great is God's goodness. Remorse has nothing in common with repentance. Remorse, my brothers, is already the prelude to punishment. Repentance, charity and faith will lead you to the happiness reserved for good spirits.

Go and listen to the words of a superior Spirit, beloved of God. Retreat and open your heart to the lessons he will give you."


Repentance, for Spiritism, is not something external, subject to a figure of others, as it is for religions: no, repentance is the movement of the Spirit that understands its own deviation and then seeks to correct itself, through the atonement and reparation.

From the doctrinal principle of Atonement, by Allan Kardec

A Brazilian Spiritist group, with unquestionable merit for its approach to practical Spiritism through evocations and dialog with the Spirits, recently published an article in which, having evoked the Spirit of Allan Kardec, he supposedly commented on the ten Moisaic laws - the Ten Commandments. In this evocation, he said something about atonement that caught our attention.

We don't doubt the possibility of this Spirit communicating. In fact, he must be very keen to do this essentially spiritist work, wherever he is called. However, reading the comments attributed to him, we find the following:

Who punishes the iniquity of the fathers in the children who hate me to the third generation.

"That would be a denial of God's sovereign justice and supreme goodness. Truly, this is what has been said: everyone will be punished for his sin. Isn't that a refutation of these sad words? The guilty atone for their faults, for which they have no regretsin a series of painful incarnations."

Spiritist Review Group. "Explanations of the Ten Commandments given by the Spirits". Available at Accessed on 01/12/2023. Emphases added.

The conclusion is not correct. I ask you to bear with me amicably, because I'm not here to throw stones at anyone.

"The guilty atone for their faults, which they do not repent of, in a succession of painful incarnations." This leads to the idea that atonement is a punishment given by God to unrepentant spirits:

The word atone means to purify, to pay for sins. Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can purify ourselves in order to be reconciled with our Heavenly Father.

Available at

This cannot be Kardec's thinking. The third edition of Heaven and Hell contains the following, later removed in the adulteration of this work:

“8º) The duration of the punishment is subordinated to the improvement of the guilty spirit. No condemnation for a fixed time is pronounced against him. What God requires to put an end to suffering is repentance, atonement, and reparation—in short: a serious, effective improvement, as well as a sincere return to the good.”

The spirit is thus always the arbiter of its own destiny; he can prolong his sufferings by his hardening in evil, alleviate them or abbreviate them by his efforts to do good.

A sentence for any given period of time would have the double disadvantage of either continuing to affect the spirit that had been perfected, or ending while it was still in evil. God, who is just, punishes evil while it exists; and ends punishment when evil no longer exists.

Thus this expression is confirmed: I do not want the sinner to die, but for him to live, and I will accuse him UNTIL HE REPENTS

Then, in a passage removed in the 5th edition of The Genesis, he states:

"Far from replacing one exclusivism with another, Spiritism presents itself as the absolute champion of freedom of conscience. It combats fanaticism in all its forms, cutting it out at the root, announcing salvation for all good people, as well as the possibility for the most imperfect to reach, through their efforts, through atonement and reparation, the unique perfection that leads to supreme happiness. Instead of discouraging the weak, it encourages them by showing them the port they can reach."

Of course the atonement is a result of the Spirit's repentance. Before that he only suffers remorse, but sincere repentance puts him on the conscious path of reparation through atonement, the fruit of his choices (remorse and regret are different things). This is the result of all Kardec's long years of study and research, and is constantly evidenced in the Spiritist Review.

The clear evidence of adulteration, especially in Heaven and Hell, have disfigured the doctrine and tarnished Kardec's reputation as a fool who contradicts himself or someone who has lost his capacity for judgment. We have shown that item 10 of the 4th edition of this work demonstrates, without a doubt, that there has been tampering, and this tampering does not allow us to know the reality of Kardec's conclusions.

Incarnation as punishment for sin

The following article, dealing with the principle of the non-retrogradation of the Spirit and eliminating the idea of reincarnation as a punishment, was obtained from the article “On the principle of the non-retrogradation of the Spirit”, from the Spiritist Magazine of June 1863. It contradicts what was included in the adulteration of Heaven and Hell, as we demonstrated “The strongest evidence of tampering with Allan Kardec's Heaven and Hell“.

Since questions have been raised several times about the principle of the non-retrogression of spirits, a principle that has been interpreted differently, we will try to resolve them. Spiritism wants to be clear to everyone and not leave its future followers any reason to argue about words, so all points susceptible to interpretation will be elucidated successively.

Spirits do not retrograde, in the sense that they lose nothing of the progress they have made. They may remain momentarily stationary, but they cannot become evil from being good, nor ignorant from being wise. This is the general principle, which only applies to the moral state and not to the material situation, which from good can become bad, if the Spirit has deserved it.

Let's make a comparison. Suppose a man of the world, educated, but guilty of a crime that leads him to Wales. Certainly there is for him a great decline as a social position and as a material well-being. Appreciation and consideration were followed by contempt and abjection. Meanwhile, he has lost nothing in terms of the development of intelligence. He will take his faculties, his talents, his knowledge to prison. He is a fallen man, and this is how fallen spirits must be understood. God can therefore, after a certain time of trial, withdraw from a world where they have not advanced morally, those who have not known him, who have rebelled against his laws, ordering them to atone for their errors and their hardening in a lower world, among even less advanced beings. There they will be as they were before, morally and intellectually, but in an infinitely more painful condition, by the very nature of the globe, and above all by the environment in which they are. In a word, you will be in the position of a civilized man forced to live among the savages, or a polite man condemned to the society of the forced. They have lost their position and their advantages, but have not regressed to the primitive state. From adults, they didn't become children. This is what you mean by regression. Al no have taken advantage of their time, it is up to them to start again. In his goodness, God does not want to leave them more time among the good, whose peace disturb, and therefore sends them to live among men whose mission will be to make them progress teaching them what they know. Through this work they will be able to advance and regenerate themselves, atoning for past faults, like the slave who saves little by little to buy a day of his freedom. But, like the slave, many only save money instead of accumulating virtues, the only ones that can pay for their ransom.

This has so far been the situation on our Earth, a world of atonement and trials, where the Adamic race, an intelligent race, was exiled among the inferior primitive races that inhabited it before it. That is why there is so much bitterness here, bitterness that is far from being felt to the same degree by savage peoples.

There is certainly a retrogression of the Spirit in the sense that it slows down its progress, but not from the point of view of its acquisitions, because of which and the development of its intelligence, its social degradation is more painful. This is why the man of the world suffers more in an abject environment than someone who has always lived in the mud.

According to a system that is somewhat specious at first glance, spirits were not created to incarnate and incarnation would only be the result of their lack. Such a system is undermined by the mere fact that if no spirit had failed, there would be no human beings on Earth or on other worlds. Now, since man's presence is necessary for the material improvement of the worlds; since he contributes by his intelligence and activity to the general work, he is one of the essential cogs in Creation. God could not subordinate the accomplishment of this part of his work to the eventual fall of his creatures, unless he counted on an ever-sufficient number of guilty people to provide laborers for the worlds created and yet to be created. Common sense rejects such an idea.

Incarnation is therefore a necessity for the Spirit who, in carrying out its providential mission, works for its own advancement through the activity and intelligence it must develop in order to provide for its life and well-being.

But incarnation becomes a punishment when, having not done what it should, the Spirit is forced to start again and multiplies its painful corporeal existences through its own fault. A student only graduates after having passed all the classes. Are these classes a punishment? No. They are a necessity, an indispensable condition for their progress. But if, due to laziness, you are forced to repeat them, then it is a punishment. Passing some of them is a merit. What is certain, therefore, is that incarnation on Earth is a punishment for many who inhabit it, because they could have avoided it, whereas they may have doubled, tripled, centupled it, through their own fault, thus delaying their entry into better worlds. What is wrong is to admit, in principle, the incarnation as a punishment.

Another question that is often discussed is this: Since the Spirit was created simple and ignorant, with the freedom to do good or evil, wouldn't it have a moral fall when it takes the wrong path, considering that it ends up doing evil that it didn't do before?

This proposition is no more tenable than the previous one. There is only a fall when passing from a relatively good state to a worse one. Now, created simple and ignorant, the Spirit is, in its origin, in a state of moral and intellectual nullity, like the child that has just been born. If it hasn't done evil, it hasn't done good either; it is neither happy nor unhappy; it acts without conscience and without responsibility. Since it has nothing, it can lose nothing and cannot retrograde. Its responsibility only begins when its free will develops. Its primitive state is therefore not one of intelligent, reasoned innocence. Consequently, the evil it does later on, by breaking God's laws and abusing the faculties it has been given, is not a return from good to evil, but the consequence of the bad path it entered on.

This brings us to another question. Could Nero, for example, while incarnated as Nero, have committed more evil than in his previous incarnation? To this we answer "yes", which does not imply that in the existence in which he had done less evil he would have been better. To begin with, evil can change form without being a greater or lesser evil. Nero's position as emperor, having put him in the spotlight, allowed his actions to be noticed more. In an obscure existence, he may have committed equally reprehensible acts, albeit on a smaller scale, which went unnoticed. As a ruler, he could have ordered the burning of a city. As an ordinary person, he could burn down a house and cause his family to perish. An ordinary murderer who kills a few travelers to dispossess them, if he were on the throne, would be a bloodthirsty tyrant, doing on a large scale what his position only allows him to do on a small scale.

Looking at the question from another point of view, we can say that a man can do more evil in one existence than in the previous one, show vices that he didn't have, without this implying moral degeneration. It is often the occasions that are lacking to do evil. When the principle exists in a latent state, the occasion comes and the bad instincts are revealed.

Ordinary life offers us numerous examples of this: A man who was thought to be good suddenly reveals vices that no one suspected, and which cause admiration. It's simply because he knew how to conceal it, or because a cause provoked the development of a bad germ. It is quite certain that those in whom good feelings are strongly rooted do not even have the thought of evil. When such a thought exists, the germ exists. Often all that is missing is the execution.

Then, as we said, evil, even in different forms, is still evil. The same vicious principle can be the source of many different acts stemming from the same cause. Pride, for example, can cause a great number of faults to be committed, to which one is exposed as long as the radical principle is not extirpated. A person can therefore have faults in one life which he would not have shown in another, and which are nothing more than the various consequences of the same vicious principle.

For us, Nero is a monster because he committed atrocities. But is it believable that these perfidious, hypocritical men, real vipers who sow the poison of slander, despoil families through cunning and abuse of trust, who cover their misdeeds with the mask of virtue in order to reach their ends more safely and receive praise when they only deserve execration, is it believable, we said, that they are better than Nero? Certainly not. Being reincarnated in a Nero would not be a regression for them, but an opportunity to show themselves in a new light. In this condition, they will display the vices they used to hide. They will dare to do by force what they used to do by cunning - that's all the difference. But this new trial will only make their punishment more terrible if, instead of taking advantage of the means given to them to make amends, they use them for evil. However, every existence, no matter how bad, is an opportunity for the Spirit to progress. It develops its intelligence and acquires experience and knowledge that will later help it to progress morally.

Careful analysis of mediumistic communications and psychographics

Kardec, in the article “Exams of the mediumistic communications that they send us”, from the Spiritist Magazine of May 1863, demonstrates the care and seriousness that the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies had with the mediumistic communications that were sent to it. It is a true lesson in seriousness regarding spiritual science, which is why we reproduce it in full:…

“Many communications were sent to us by different groups, already asking for advice and judgment on their trends, already, like a few, in the hope of publication in Magazine. They were all sent to us with the right to dispose of them as we saw fit for the good of the cause. We have examined and classified them, and do not be surprised at the impossibility of publishing them all, when you know that in addition to those already published, there are more than three thousand and six hundred which, by themselves, would have absorbed five years complete from the Magazine, not counting a certain number of more or less voluminous manuscripts that we will talk about later. The summary of this exam will provide us with a topic for some reflections, which everyone can benefit from.

Among them we find some notoriously bad, in substance and in form, evidently the product of ignorant, obsessive or mystifying Spirits who swear by the more or less pompous names with which they sign them. Publishing them would have been giving weapons to critics. A noteworthy circumstance is that almost all communications in this category emanate from isolated individuals and not from groups. Only fascination could lead them to be taken seriously, and prevent them from seeing the ridiculous side. As we know, isolation favors fascination, while meetings find control in the plurality of opinions.

We recognize, however, with pleasure, that communications of this nature form, in the mass, a small minority. Most of the others contain good thoughts and excellent advice, but do not deny that they are all good for publication, for the reasons we will explain.

Good Spirits teach more or less the same thing everywhere, because everywhere there are the same vices to reform and the same virtues to preach, and this is one of the distinctive characteristics of Spiritism, as generally the difference is only in the greater or minor correction and elegance of style.

To appreciate communications aimed at advertising, you cannot analyze them from your point of view, but from the public's point of view. We understand the satisfaction one experiences when obtaining something good, especially when starting out, but beyond the fact that certain people may have illusions regarding intrinsic merit, one does not think that there are hundreds of other places where similar things can be obtained, and what is of powerful individual interest can be banality for the masses.

Furthermore, it is necessary to consider that over some time now communications have acquired, in all aspects, proportions and qualities that leave far behind those obtained a few years ago. What was admired then appears pale and mean next to what is obtained today. In most really serious centers, the teaching of Spirits grew with the understanding of Spiritism. Considering that more or less identical instructions are received everywhere, its publication may be of interest only on condition that it presents special qualities, both in form and instructive scope. It would therefore be an illusion to believe that every message must find numerous and enthusiastic readers. In the past, the smallest spiritist conversation was new and attracted attention. Today, when spiritists and mediums are countless, what was a rarity is an almost banal and habitual fact, and which has been distanced by the breadth and reach of current communications, just as school duties are by the work of adults.

We have before us the collection of a newspaper published at the beginning of the demonstrations, under the title of La Table Parlante, characteristic title of the time. It is said that the newspaper had 1,500 to 1,800 subscribers, an enormous figure for that time. It contained a lot of small family conversations and mediumistic facts that then had the enormous attraction of curiosity. Then we look in vain for something to reproduce in our Magazine. Whatever we had chosen, today it would be childish, of no interest. If this newspaper had not disappeared, due to circumstances that are irrelevant, it could only have lived with the condition of following the progress of Science, and if it reappeared now under the same conditions, it would not have fifty subscribers. Spiritists are immensely more numerous than then, it is true, but they are more enlightened and want more substantial teachings.

If communications emanated from a single center, readers would undoubtedly multiply due to the number of followers, but we must not lose sight of the fact that the sources that produce them number in the thousands, and that everywhere they are Once superior things are obtained, there can be no interest in what is weak and mediocre.

What we say is not to discourage publications. Far from it. But to show the need for rigorous choice, condition sine qua non of success. By elevating their teachings, the Spirits made them more difficult and even demanding for us. Local publications can be immensely useful, under a double aspect, that of spreading the teaching given in private to the masses, and then of showing the agreement that exists in this teaching on various points. We will always applaud this, and we will encourage you every time they are done under good conditions.

To begin with, it is worth discarding everything that, being of private interest, is of interest only to those who are interested in it, and then, everything that is vulgar in style and ideas, or puerile in subject matter.

A thing may be excellent in itself and very good for personal instruction, but what must be delivered to the public requires special conditions. Unfortunately, man is inclined to assume that whatever pleases him must please others. The most skillful can make a mistake. The essential thing is to make as little mistakes as possible. There are Spirits who take pleasure in feeding this illusion in certain mediums, so it would never be too much to recommend them not to trust their own judgment. This is where groups are useful, due to the multiplicity of opinions that can be collected. Anyone who, in this case, would reject the opinion of the majority, considering himself more enlightened than everyone else, would clearly prove the bad influence under which he finds himself.

Applying these principles of eclecticism to the communications sent to us, we will say that out of 3,600, there are more than 3,000 who are of irreproachable morality, and excellent as a background, but that of that number there are not 300 for publicity, and only one hundred of unquestionable merit. Considering that these communications came from many different points, we infer that the proportion must be more or less general. From this we can judge the need not to recklessly publish everything that comes from the Spirits, if we want to achieve the objective we propose, both from a material point of view and from the moral effect and the opinion that indifferent people may have about Spiritism.

It remains for us to say a few words about the manuscripts or impressive works that they sent us, among which, out of thirty, we found five or six of real value.

In the invisible world, as on Earth, there is no shortage of writers, but good ones are rare. Such a Spirit is able to dictate good isolated communication; to give excellent private advice, but is incapable of complete work that can stand an examination, whatever his intentions. On the other hand, the name with which he takes pleasure in disguising himself is not a guarantee. The louder the name, the more obliging. Now, it is easier to take a name than to justify it. This is why, alongside some good thoughts, there are sometimes eccentric ideas and the less equivocal traces of the most profound ignorance. It is in these types of mediumistic works that we have noticed more signs of obsession, of which one of the most frequent is the injunction on the part of the Spirit to have them printed, and more than one mistakenly thinks that such a recommendation is enough to find a publisher interested in the business. .

It is especially in such a case that a scrupulous examination becomes necessary, if we do not want to expose ourselves to learning at our own expense. Furthermore, it is the best way to ward off presumptuous and pseudo-wise Spirits, who invariably withdraw when they do not find docile instruments to make them accept their words as articles of faith. The intrusion of these Spirits into communications is ─ and this is a known fact ─ Spiritism's greatest obstacle. There are few precautions to avoid regrettable publications. In such cases, it is better to err on the side of caution, in the interests of the cause.

In short, by publishing communications worthy of interest, you do a useful thing. By publishing those that are weak, insignificant or bad, you do more harm than good.

A no less important consideration is that of opportunity. There are some whose publication is untimely, and therefore harmful. Each thing must come in its own time. Several of them addressed to us are in this case and, although very good, should be postponed. As for the others, they will find their place according to the circumstances and their objective.”

A psychography of Chico Xavier

Psychography of Chico Xavier: would it be possible to evoke and obtain responses from Spirits like those who animated Chico Xavier and Allan Kardec, among others?

It is a recognized fact in spiritist science that we can evoke Spirits and that, done with good purposes and with the knowledge that this science gives us, they come willingly, with a desire to dialogue with those who seek to learn from them. It would be a mistake to believe that only superior Spirits would qualify in this case, but it is correct to say that only good Spirits, of all elevations, would qualify, since the bad ones will come with bad intentions (unless when evoked with serious and useful purposes). ) and will only find resonance among those in whom they find the imperfections that they themselves carry. The evocation of Spirits like those of Chico Xavier and Allan Kardec is possible and very useful, and no one has a monopoly on them. But it is clear that these communications will depend on the intentions, knowledge and moral state of those who carry them out..

Learn to study the Spiritist Magazine, the reliable source of Spiritist knowledge. Click here.

Those who intend to have dominion over certain Spirits, as well as those who wish to place themselves under the dominion of a particular Spirit, who generally gives a pompous and influential name and who exalt their own pride, will not only be in serious error, ignoring all the wealth of knowledge formed by the dedicated studies of Allan Kardec, how they will be setting themselves on the bitter path that begins with fascination and inevitably leads to obsession and madness.

That said, we want to deal with the evocation of the Spirit of Chico Xavier, exposed on the website Digital Spiritist Magazine. This is a longer article, but we will focus on this Spirit. The highlights are ours:

About Jesus

Another Spirit evoked was Chico Xavier, who was asked the following questions:

1. Could you tell us about how you understood Jesus, when in the body, and how you understand him now, as a Spirit?
2. Did you see Jesus as soon as he left his physical body?

3. Do you see him in our midst now? If you do, could you tell us how you perceive it?

Here are the answers:

“I'm here again, friends, happy for this opportunity that God offers us.

When I was in the body, I saw Jesus as a star of the first magnitude, which illuminated men and Spirits, but which was thousands of light years away from us; this idea was taught to us in our last existence from an early age, through the religious teaching of the past, and after we began to dedicate ourselves to mediumship, Religious spirits came to reaffirm our prejudices regarding this point, which we did not question, because such ideas were settled in our soul.. I thought that Jesus loved humanity, but I didn't realize that he attributed to him some of the characteristics that we see in many of the powerful people on Earth: they are difficult for the average man to access; They appear to be very busy, and therefore we cannot relate to them directly except through a lot of effort and some intermediaries. In fact, I had not understood the lessons that are present in the evangelical tradition, especially that Jesus would not leave us orphans, as well as that he would always be with those who called him, as long as they did not forget to love their neighbors. ((“Wherever two or three people are gathered together in my name, there I will be with them.” (Matt. XVIII, 20). ))

Today, I still see Jesus as a star, but I understand that if there is a huge distance that separates us from his position in the hierarchy, it is not for this reason that he is distant, because, as you know, your perispiritual fluid expands and radiates with perfection, reaching Spirits and men with a range that I would not know exactly. I see him today, above all, as an older and more mature brother who wants to teach us how to walk towards the Father's house.

I didn't see Jesus right after I died because I didn't consider that possibility at all, but if prejudice hadn't been such a big obstacle, I would have immediately sought him out by thought. However, this meeting was postponed for some time, until I could review my preconceived ideas. I learned that we can all see him, touch him, learn from him, and that he never refuses to reach out and help us with our immense ignorance.

I see Jesus here, in our midst, watching over everyone; I glimpse an illuminated face, but I can't capture the nuances of its face. However, I can see your gaze, so tender and so sweet... Your eyes denote an unchanging serenity, and are more beautiful than the most dazzling sunset. Lights come from his spiritual body, which he transmits to all who desire good, communicating his virtue to them and ensuring that his seed reaches the deep soil of hearts of good will. The sight is beautiful, friends, and I must say that all of us who are here bow before him with love and recognition, because his presence inspires pity and deep reverence. May Jesus be the lighthouse where we can all rest our eyes, taking advantage of his lights to walk along the good path that he shows us.

Receive a hug from someone who is very grateful to be among you. I recognize that I am not up to the task of answering such serious questions with benefit, and therefore I ask that you disregard any mistake that I may have made so far.” ((The group had evoked this same Spirit several times to instruct themselves on some issues regarding mediumship, the perispirit and other subjects. This is what he refers to.))

Chico Xavier
(Psychographed on December 6, 2016.)

DIGITAL SPIRIT MAGAZINE. About Jesus and the Spirit of Truth. Accessed on 10/05/2023. Available in

The fact that it is a serious group, with knowledge of Spiritism and with good intentions, makes communication more reliable, although it must always be analyzed with caution, especially when the Spirit presents itself under a well-known and influential name. . In the case in question, it seems to me to be a language very similar to that of Chico in life, with characteristic signs. But what matters most is the background, which, instead of clashing with the Doctrine, confirms it in its nuances.

For example: “its perispiritual fluid expands and radiates with perfection, reaching Spirits and men with a range that I would not know exactly how to define”. This excerpt is in perfect agreement with the understanding left in Genesis and ends with a humble recognition of the inability to understand.

My only observation, then, is that this Spirit “materializes” the image of Christ, transmitting a human figure and, on this point, I would question, to be clear, since the predominant idea in the Spiritist Movement is linked precisely to this aspect of an excessive “materialization” of the world of Spirits. It may just be a figure of speech, as it may also be “the religious teaching of yesteryear”.

Let us keep this lesson in mind: we can and must resume practical Spiritism in our homes and small groups, treating it with the necessary seriousness. This cannot be made a source of mere curiosity or entertainment, which would place the participants of such responsibility on that previously mentioned ill-fated path... But, with good purpose and knowledge, communication with the Spirits is useful and beneficial, for both sides. , and does not need to be carried out only in the spiritist center.

I suggest reading the available PDFs in this link.

Can you practice mediumship at home?

My mission in this article is to provoke you about the subject: can you practice mediumship at home? I want you to not be able to contain yourself, clicking on the button at the end of it to download a PDF talking about the issue of communications with Spirits. Happy studying!

So does this mean that it is not dangerous to call Spirits into homes?

Another fallacy that has spread, and we want to believe that it is more due to ignorance than the malice of those who defend it, is the danger of communicating with Spirits in homes. Now, if it is possible to communicate with them even in prisons, it is even more possible to call loved ones in homes.

It is not the evocation that attracts the Spirits

Another important point to be considered, in the light of Spiritism, is that Spirits are not attracted by the direct call of men, that is, by evocation. Many of those who have suffered or are suffering from an obsession have never evoked the Spirits and do not even know that this would be possible. All the cures for obsessions that were published by Allan Kardec in his Magazine were from this issue. We were able to see this fact in relation to those who suffered from obsessions today, and who were cured.

Children at spiritist meetings

Many people may wonder: can children participate in spiritist meetings at home? We could answer this question with another: are children part of the family? No one could say no, or say that to be a member of the family you need to be a minimum age. Now, what are children? Aren't they incarnated Spirits, to whom the spiritist world is not strange? Aren't children familiar with their Angels, who are also Spirits, from the cradle, and even before they are born?

Spiritist Magazine – a light appears in the midst of darkness

Maybe some of you already know what I'm going to talk about. I didn't know, and I can only express extreme joy in doing so. I just found a group publishing in the style of Allan Kardec's Spiritist Magazine – carrying out evocations, receiving reports, analyzing them, etc.

A light in the midst of darkness: Revista Espírita.

This is the website “Revista Espírita” – simply that. Named in light of the Revista Espírita – Jornal de Estudos Psicológicas – publication that served as the basis for the development of the Spiritist Doctrine, there they present evocations, spontaneous communications and personal reports, all, as far as I could see, within the best rationality and with all the characteristics of the communication of Spirits duly aligned with the scientific principles of Spiritism.

The Revista Espírita Digital is subtitled: PERIODIC FOR THE DISCLOSURE OF PRACTICAL SPIRITISM. It couldn't be more right.

If you don't fully understand, I emphasize: are current evocations of Spirits. Yes. Like Kardec did.

Our objective is not the same as that of our dear Master in that century, nor do we even want to insinuate that we could, even if we are several spiritists working together, reach the feet of Allan Kardec, as we recognize our smallness. Kardec worked on creating a Science, and his Revue Spirite served for this purpose. 

What we want is to make available to everyone, in a single place, the studies carried out with the Spirits, and which we consider to be useful; our intention is to make a simple contribution from our spiritist group, formed in February 2007. In doing so, we wish to show our gratitude to Allan Kardec for the efforts he made in order to bequeath to us the spiritist science, which, as we know, is a practical science.

Team of Digital Spiritist Magazine, Curitiba, Parana.

As we can see, they have modest objectives, which is in full agreement with anyone who has really understood Spiritism. But what matters most, and what I want to highlight, is that this initiative is one that needs to be replicated, based on the knowledge obtained from Kardec's works.

Since the beginning of our group, with the creation of this website, I had a greater purpose in mind: infect. My biggest goal, after reading The Legacy of Allan Kardec, by Simoni Privato, and saying to myself “I need to do something”, was to spread as much as possible the understanding that it is required resume the evocations... And, today, I count two groups that I know carrying out this work.

I invite you to read the articles presented on their website and carry out your analyses, using the same principles outlined by Kardec. Check whether, in the communications presented, there are any types of thoughts that betray their alleged authors – among them Allan Kardec – and are invited to interact with us through the comments on our website and Facebook. I intend to start doing studies on articles published there.

I can only finish by saying: thank God.

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Spiritism Science and Spiritism Religion

We have two aspects currently defended by the spiritist movement: that Spiritism is a science and that it is a religion. Uniting these two aspects, some claim that it has a triple aspect: science, philosophy and religion.

First of all, we need to highlight that Spiritism can only be seen as religion in the philosophical aspect, and not in the ecumenical aspect.

And the fact that it is a religion in the philosophical sense, stated by Kardec, is directly linked to the fact that the Spiritist Doctrine is a development of Rational Spiritualism, a Philosophical Movement that outlined French moral sciences and teaching, in that country, for a large part of the 19th century.

If so, you will ask, is Spiritism a religion? Why, yes, without a doubt, gentlemen; In the philosophical sense, Spiritism is a religion, and we glorify ourselves for this, because it is the doctrine that founds the bonds of fraternity and communion of thoughts, not on a simple convention, but on the most solid foundations: the laws of Nature.

KARDEC, Allan. Revista Espírita, December 1868. Annual session commemorating the dead.

Spiritism, therefore, is not a religion as we currently understand it. This is precisely why Allan Kardec argues that the term should not be used, so as not to cause misinterpretations and not place Spiritism in a field in which it does not fit and where, ceasing to be science, it is defeated by the dispute between religions and between science and religion. No, this is neither appropriate nor deserved for this doctrine born of the scientific method and present in nature itself.

Why, then, have we declared that Spiritism is not a religion? Because there is no one word to express every idea, and because, in general opinion, the word religion it is inseparable from the idea of worship; because it exclusively awakens an idea of form, which Spiritism does not have. If Spiritism called itself a religion, the public would see nothing more than a new edition, a variant, if you like, of the absolute principles in matters of faith; a priestly caste with its procession of hierarchies, ceremonies and privileges; he would not separate it from the ideas of mysticism and the abuses against which public opinion has so often risen.

Since Spiritism does not have any of the characteristics of a religion, in the usual sense of the word, it could not and should not adorn itself with a title about the value of which people would inevitably have been mistaken. This is why it is simply said: philosophical and moral doctrine.



Spiritism-religion hides, as a religion, in spiritist centers, just as other religions live in their churches and temples (there are even those who are already calling the spiritist center a “temple”). He does not practice evocations and blindly accepts what mediums or isolated Spirits say, or even what institutions such as the FEB – Brazilian Spiritist Federation determine. Spiritism-religion became dogmatic and left aside the doctrinal and scientific principles born from the long and exhaustive study of Allan Kardec. He buried his legacy, in large part, to be left with the most diverse false modern ideas, originating from mysticism, which he allowed to settle within his heart.

To be a follower of Spiritualism-religion, the individual is led to believe that it depends on leaving aside their own religion, because that is how it works in this sense. You can study mathematics or botany as a Catholic or evangelical, but that's not the case with a religion, right?

But, often, this sincere adherent, thirsty for knowledge, finds in Spiritism-religion nothing more than a new religion, full of dogmas. Sometimes, Spiritism-religion even becomes prejudiced and drives away new followers, by being categorical in pointing out people with certain characteristics and saying that they are like that because they would be paying debts from past lives, among other ideas that border on the absurd.

But this does not correspond at all to Spiritualism-science.


Spiritism-science did not hide. Climbed in the strength of Rational Spiritualism, which was developed by Experimental Psychology, it spread like gunpowder, like any other science. It was not only accepted, but studied, in person, by people from the most educated layers of society. Princes, princesses, kings, queens, philosophers, scientists, doctors, doctors. It spread, as something purely clear and rational, among religious people of all faiths, finding, among its numbers, even orthodox Catholics and Muslims.

IV. ─ Regarding instruction:The level of education is very easy to assess through correspondence. Careful instruction, 30%; simple scholars, 30%; higher education, 20%; ─ semi-literate, 10%; ─ illiterate, 6%; ─ wise officers, 4%.

V. ─ Regarding religious ideas: Roman Catholics, freethinkers, not bound by dogma, 50%; ─ Greek Catholics, 15%; ─ Jews, 10%; ─ liberal Protestants, 10%; ─ Catholics linked to dogmas, 10%; ─ Orthodox Protestants, 3%; ─ Muslims, 2%.

KARDEC, Allan. Spiritist Magazine, January 1869. Statistics of Spiritism.

Ah! how wonderful and, at the same time, simple, Spiritism-science was. It was practiced in homes. Families carried out private evocations of their loved ones, and learned and comforted themselves from them. Sometimes, they evoked suffering Spirits, and helped them to calm down, with new understandings. They often sent the notes of these evocations to Allan Kardec, who analyzed them with the other SPEE associates. How many times have these particular evocations given rise to new hypotheses and new investigations!

Spiritualism-science was seen seriously. New doctrinal principles were not admitted without being verified by the double control method: the communication of the same principle everywhere, with these communications being evaluated in the light of logic and reason. Nothing was denied or accepted without carrying out this process. How many times has Kardec gone back and abandoned a hypothesis, seeing it as invalid in the face of the evidence?

In Spiritualism-science, the centers They were serious centers of study. They practiced evocations for the purpose of learning and, in the most serious cases, according to Kardec's precepts, neither neophytes nor curious people were admitted to mediumistic meetings.

Spiritism-science is needed. In it, Kardec found very clear and rational arguments to discard the most absurd and unfounded criticisms against Spiritism. Today, Spiritism-religion often loses followers to disbelief, because ideas born from blind acceptance cannot face reason.

We would do better if we didn't even talk about “Spiritism-religion”, but just about “Religious Spiritist Movement”, perhaps. But it is important to highlight the incongruity between the two concepts, as we need to make efforts to return to “Spiritism-science”, the one that everyone can study, without abandoning their religions; he who gives reasoned faith, who can face reason at any time; the one, finally, that didn't end with Kardec, and that needs to continue.

Spiritism-science finds its formation largely recorded in the Spiritist Magazine from 1858 to 1869, the result of exhaustive work of more than 12 years on spontaneous communications, evocations and manifestations of thousands of Spirits, by thousands of mediums, in thousands of groups, by all over the world. “Spiritism-religion” is predominantly found in novels, the result of the opinion of a Spirit, who does not question himself through the necessary method.

On the date on which Allan Kardec's birth is celebrated, I think we need to do much more to defend his legacy, which, far from being a religious creation to lead believers, encompasses the the entire community of incarnating Spirits on planet Earth. This legacy is bigger than me, than you, than our group. It does not and should not depend on anyone’s opinion. It needs to be recovered at its source. Here's the job.

Allan Kardec, the person largely responsible for Spiritism as a science.

Until the last moment of his physical existence, Allan Kardec left deep teachings. He died as he lived: working for Spiritism. His industrious hands said goodbye to this world delivering the Spiritist Magazine — a periodical in which he recorded his teachings, his struggles, his victories and, in that last moment, his immortality.


In the cemetery, the curious tried to position themselves in the places where they could listen to the speeches. However, when the coffin descended to the bottom of the grave, emotion silenced the words; there was a great silence.

PRIVATO, Simoni. The Legacy of Allan Kardec.

Will he be the Famous Painter?

In one of the last weekly studies of Revista Espirita in 1859, we studied this communication attributed to Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (Want to know more about this famous painter? Click here). He lived in Holland in the 17th century.

Here is the communication:

External communications, read in the Company

The goodness of the Lord is eternal. He does not want the death of his beloved children. But, O men! Think that it depends on you to hasten the Kingdom of God on Earth, as well as to push it away; that you are responsible for one another; that, by improving yourselves, you work for the regeneration of Humanity. The task is great; responsibility weighs on each person and no one can excuse themselves. Embrace with fervor the glorious task that the Lord imposes on you, but ask him to send workers to his fields, because, as Christ told you, the harvest is great and the workers are few.

But behold, we are sent as laborers of your hearts. In it we sow good grain. Be careful not to stifle it. Water him with the tears of repentance and joy. Of repentance, for having lived for so long in a land cursed by the sins of the human race, away from the only true God, worshiping the false pleasures of the world, which leave nothing but heartbreak and sadness at the bottom of the cup. Joy because the Lord has given you grace; because he wants to hasten the arrival of his beloved children to the paternal bosom; because he wants you all to be clothed with the innocence of angels, as if you had never been separated from him.

The only one who showed you the path by which you will return to this primitive glory; the only one you cannot blame, because he was never mistaken in his teaching; the only righteous before God; The only one, finally, that you should follow in order to be pleasing to God, is Christ. Yes, the Christ, your divine master, whom you forgot and despised for centuries. Love him, because he constantly asks for you. He wants to come to your rescue. As? Unbelief still persists! The wonders of Christ cannot overcome it! The wonders of all Creation are powerless before these mocking Spirits; on this dust that cannot prolong its miserable existence for a single minute! These wise men who think they are the only ones to possess all the secrets of Creation do not know where they come from; They don't know where they will go and yet they deny everything and defy everything. Because they know some of the most common laws of the material world, they think they can judge the immaterial world, or rather, they say that there is nothing immaterial; that everything must obey the same material laws that they discovered.

But you Christians! you know that you cannot deny our intervention without, at the same time, denying Christ; without denying the entire Bible, as there is not a single page in which you do not find traces of the visible world in relation to the invisible world. Then! Say it! Are you Christians or not?


Obtida pelo Sr. Péc…

Like many of the communications in Revista Espírita, the communication is simple, short and full of constructive instructions for our learning.
We cannot say that it is really by Rembrant, as we do not have enough elements to know. However, what interests us most is its content, which corresponds to the teachings of Spiritist morality.

The fight against an obsessive spirit

In the fight against an obsessive Spirit, the knowledge brought by the Spiritist Doctrine, as it truly is, is crucial. Without the false ideas that reign over the current spiritist movement, we can reach the root causes and the method to combat the obsessive Spirits, through our own awareness.

Text obtained from part of the article Obsedados e Subjugados, from the Revista Espírita of 1858. Subtitles and highlights from us.

Excitement and vanity of the medium

Whether out of enthusiasm, or out of fascination with the Spirits, or out of self-love, in general the psychographic medium is led to believe that the Spirits that communicate with him are superior, and the more so, the more the Spirits, seeing their propensity, do not They stop adorning themselves with pompous titles, as necessary. Depending on the circumstances, they take the names of saints, sages, angels, the Virgin Mary herself, and play their role as actors, ridiculously dressing up in the clothes of the people they represent. Take away their mask and they become what they were: ridiculous. This is what one must know how to do, both with Spirits and with men.

Of blind and unreflective belief In the superiority of the Spirits that communicate, there is only one step to trust in their words, just as it happens among men. If they manage to inspire this confidence, they feed it through sophistry and the most specious reasoning, before which we often bow our heads. Gross Spirits are less dangerous: we recognize them immediately and they inspire nothing but repugnance. The most fearsome, in your world, as in ours, are the hypocritical Spirits: they always speak sweetly; flatter inclinations; They are sweet, sly, lavish in affectionate expressions and protests of dedication. You have to be really strong to resist such seductions.

Read too: Curse and Spiritism.

You will ask: Where is the danger if the Spirits are impalpable? The danger lies in the harmful advice they give, appearing to be benevolent, and in the ridiculous, untimely or disastrous attitudes that lead us to undertake. We have already seen some that made certain people travel from region to region in search of fantastic things, at the risk of compromising their health, fortune and life itself. We saw them dictate, with the appearance of gravity, the most ridiculous things and the strangest maxims.

Considering that it is appropriate to give an example alongside theory, we will relate the story of a person we know who was under the control of a similar fascination.

A young obsessed medium

Mr. F…, a well-educated young man, with a thorough education, with a gentle and benevolent character, but a little weak and indecisive, became a psychographic medium very quickly. The obsessive Spirit that took hold of him and did not give him rest, wrote incessantly. If a pen or pencil fell into his hand, he would take it in a convulsive movement and fill pages and pages in a few minutes. In the absence of an instrument, he would simulate writing with his finger, wherever he found himself: on the street, on walls, on doors, etc. Among other things, this was dictated to him: “Man is made up of three things: man, the bad Spirit and the good Spirit. You all have your bad Spirit, which is linked to the body by material ties. To expel the bad Spirit it is necessary to break these bonds, which means that the body must be weakened. When this is sufficiently weakened, the bond breaks and the bad Spirit leaves, leaving only the good one.”

As a result of this beautiful theory, they made him fast for five consecutive days and watch at night. When he was exhausted, they said to him: “Now the thing is done and the bond is broken. Your evil Spirit is gone: only we are left, in whom you must believe without reservation.” And he, persuaded that his evil Spirit had fled, blindly believed all his words. The subjugation had reached the point where if he had been told to throw himself into the water or head for the antipodes, he would have done so. When they wanted to force him to do something that was repugnant to him, he was dragged by an invisible force.

We give a small sample of his morals; From there you can judge the rest:

Absurdities of an obsessive Spirit that even uses the name of Jesus

“To have better communications it is first necessary to pray and fast for several days, some more, some less. Fasting weakens the bonds that exist between the ego and a particular demon attached to each to be human. This demon is linked to each person by the envelope that unites body and soul. This covering weakens due to lack of food and allows the Spirits to tear out that demon. Then Jesus descends into the heart of the possessed person, instead of the evil Spirit. This state of possessing Jesus in oneself is the only way to reach all truth and many other things.

When the creature managed to replace the devil with Jesus, it still does not possess the truth. To have it, you need to believe. God does not give the truth to those who doubt: it would be doing something useless and God does nothing in vain. As most new mediums doubt what they say and write, good Spirits, unwillingly, by God's formal order, they are obliged to lie and have no choice but to lie until the medium is convinced; but as soon as he believes one of these lies, the high spirits rush to reveal to him the secrets of heaven: the whole truth dissipates in an instant that cloud of errors with which they had been forced to envelop their protege.

We would fill a volume with all the nonsense that was dictated to him and the circumstances that followed. Among other things, they made him design a building of such dimensions that the sheets of paper, glued together, reached the height of two floors.

Note that in all this there is nothing coarse or banal. It is a series of sophistical reasonings linked together with the appearance of logic. There is indeed an infernal art in the means employed to deceive him, and if it had been possible for us to relate all these manifestations, one would have seen to what extent the cunning was carried and with what skill they used honeyed words.

A good Spirit sought to help

The obsessive Spirit who played the main role in this business gave the name François Dillois, when he was not covering himself with the mask of a respectable name. Later we learned what this Dillois had been like in life, and then nothing surprised us in his language. But in the midst of all this nonsense it was easy to recognize a good Spirit who was fighting, making from time to time hear some good words denying the other's absurdities. There was an obvious fight, but the fight was unequal. The young man was so subdued that the voice of reason was powerless over him. The Spirit of his father, notably, made him write the following words: “Yes, my son, courage! You suffer a harsh test, which will be for your good in the future. Unfortunately, at the moment, I can do nothing to free you, and it costs me a lot. Go see Allan Kardec; listen to him, and he will save you.”

The boy's will and Kardec's help

Indeed, Mr. F… came to look for me and, to begin with, I recognized without difficulty the pernicious influence he was under, whether in words or through certain material signs that experience makes known, and that cannot deceive us. He came back several times. I used all my willpower to call the good Spirits through you; all my rhetoric to prove to him that I was a victim of detestable Spirits; that what he wrote made no sense, as well as being deeply immoral. For this charity work I teamed up with a colleague, Mr. T… and little by little we got him to write sensible things. He became averse to that bad temper, willingly repelling it every time it tried to manifest itself, and slowly the good Spirits triumphed.

To change his ideas, he followed the advice of the Spirits, to give himself to a rough job, that did not leave him time to listen to bad suggestions.

The obsessing Spirit himself, Dillois, ended up confessing that he was defeated and expressed the desire to progress in a new existence. He confessed the evil he had tried to do and showed evidence of repentance. The fight was long and painful and offered the observer truly curious particularities. Today Mr. F. feels free and happy. It's as if he had laid down a burden. He has regained his joy and thanks us for the service we provided him.