Root Spiritism and Eduardo Sabbag

Root spiritism is to look at Allan Kardec, contextualized for knowledge of Rational Spiritualism and Animal Magnetism. It is not, in any way, adopting mystical ideas born from one's own or others' opinions, as unfortunately Eduardo Sabbag, from Espiritismo Raiz, has unfortunately done. Another individual with such great potential to help human progress, but who only sees the surface of Spiritism and favors delay, by spreading false ideas.

Tough times, those we live in. Everywhere, the spiritist doctrine of the most varied absurdities is undermined. Through the unwary, the unsuspecting and the great mass of resistant to the necessary study, Spiritism suffers as much as Isaac Newton's Physics would suffer if there were no Physics scholars to defend it against ideas such as the non-existence of the Law of Gravity or how Astronomy would suffer if there were no people to defend it against the ideas persistence of geocentrism or flat Earth.

Of course, the doctrinal basis will be understood more or less clearly, depending on the progress that the Spirit itself has made in this sense. This is what Kardec refers to when he says about innate ideas, which find, in many, full rational acceptance, because, for them, they are as natural as discovering that water vapor is the result of its evaporation. However, what is widely seen is that the absence of “instruct yourselves” leaves the ship adrift, at the whim of the wind.

“Spirits!, love one another, here is the first teaching. Educate yourselves, here is the second. All truths are found in Christianity; the errors that took root in it are of human origin. And behold, beyond the grave, in which you believed nothingness, voices come to cry out to you: Brothers! nothing perishes. Jesus Christ is the conqueror of evil, be the conquerors of wickedness!” – (Spirit of Truth. Paris, 1860.)

Allan Kardec – The Gospel According to Spiritism, Cap. VI, item 5.

The exhortation of the Spirit of Truth, when recommending “instruct yourselves”, makes clear the need to study the Spiritist Doctrine, the voices beyond the grave – which requires scientific methodology. But the “spiritists” forgot who Allan Kardec was. They buried their work, next to their body, and began to limit themselves to knowing the basics of the essentials: the law of reincarnation and our relationships with the Spirits. Even this, however, did not survive the absurd ideas unscathed, as reincarnation, with a consoling law, was filled with ideas of sin and punishment, and our relationships with the Spirits lost their former objective of enlightenment, becoming, again, in the same type of relationship that, amazingly, man had with the Spirits before of the coming of Christ.

932. Why, in the world, so often does the influence of the bad overcome that of the good?“

Because of their weakness. The bad are intriguing and daring, the good are shy. When they want it, they will prevail.” (The Spirits’ Book)

Yes, the scenario of the Spiritist Movement is sad. With the death of Allan Kardec, we are not only going back decades, but millennia, therefore, without the necessary instruction, we once again allow ourselves to be subjugated by the ideas that imprison consciences and, consequently, of progress. The Doctrine was emptied of its philosophical aspect.

The “spiritist” responds to the census, saying, “this is my religion”, but he does not know that what he claims to embrace is a science, and not a religion. He says he reads and studies it, but he has never studied Kardec in depth: he prefers to read novels, full of ideas from both sides, no matter how absurd they may be. He retired his reasoning and, with it, his own autonomy, in a scenario that, for him, seems much more comfortable – without knowing, however, that it is also one of the most painful. He embraces the ideas of karma, “law of return”, “law of action and reaction” and accepts mediumistic prophecies without even questioning his own conscience. And, finally, when he is presented to reason, by the few who try to demonstrate true Spiritism, the one that Kardec studied, dedicating his life, health and resources, finally, when he gets attention, he fights fiercely to keep clinging to the halter that leads him .

It desolates us to leave the cave, attracted by the light, to see that, everywhere, that light is muffled by the dust and the webs of old religious concepts. It hurts to see unconscious consciences, trapped in materialistic and petty concepts, without the ability, by choice, to see how much they suffer from ignorance!

Look at that one! At your side, a kind Spirit, full of light, breathes good advice into your ears. It leads you, in a moment of mental elevation, to the door of knowledge. Someone invites you: “Shall we study?” But the light goes out of his conscience: “who is this to tell me to study? Already read The Spirits' Book and I've already gone through the entire famous collection of that Spirit who taught about the threshold and spiritual life - although he wasn't even spiritualized. Furthermore, I am a medium and, in my astral travel, I see the truth with my own eyes!”

Look at that other one: he is a volunteer at the Spiritist Center, but he doesn't study. A mother, in full suffering, came to look for him: her son, born with physical disabilities, demands too much of his energy. Is tired. Your son is tormented daily under heavy commotions: screams, contortions. The volunteer tries to comfort her based on what he knows, and tells her that her son is suffering the law of action and reaction, as he was probably suicidal in his previous life. The woman is horrified and walks away: “who is this to say such a thing about my beloved son? This Spiritism is useless!”.

There goes one more. She is desperate, because they told her, in a certain spiritist center, that the man she loves is her soul mate. It happens, however, that the man married another woman. What will become of her now? how can you live half? Better to end your own suffering, she thinks. In a flash of inspiration, she goes to the spiritist center of the previous case, where she talks to the same volunteer, who tells her that she must never think about committing suicide, because, if she does, she will spend years wandering on the threshold or in the valley of suicidal, and that she must endure this “ordeal”, as it must be the consequence of a past life debt. She did, regretfully, but, leaving there, she thinks: wouldn't it be better to suffer punishment there than to suffer here?

Here's a man: he's haunted by thoughts of self-destruction too. Hear voices: kill yourself, enough suffering, they say. He arrives at the same center. The boy diagnoses him with obsessors, orders him to say a famous prayer to drive away spirits and also recommends him to clean the house with indigo. The scenario does not change and, after a few months, the man ends up taking his own life.

Another day, another scenario, the volunteer is looking for a woman. She is suffering psychological and physical abuse from her husband, who, addicted to alcohol, returns home with the worst company. It exposes the whole scenario. The volunteer tells her that she must be suffering the consequence of the law of action and reaction, as she must have done her husband wrong in her past life. Therefore, he must bear everything with courage, in order to “redeem this debt”.

As we said, the scenario is, yes, a bit bleak. But, if we are aware of this, it is because we need to do our part, starting with studying, knowing, because the Spirit only advances in morality through its own will. conscious. Root spiritism is to look at Allan Kardec, contextualized by the knowledge of Rational Spiritualism and Animal Magnetism. It is studying it carefully, in its original pages, away from the adulterations of Heaven and Hell and Genesis. It is to understand and retake the philosophical and moral aspects of Spiritism, so that, living in our own lives, we are active parts, and no longer inoperative, in social transformation.

There are many speaking, writing, acting in the name of something called Spiritism on the poster, but which is essentially dogma, because there are still few studying and acting in the name of the Doctrine, inspired by the honest and conscientious model of Allan Kardec, a man who, with his effort, helped to form the Doctrine with the greatest capacity to leverage change in the world.

Spiritualists: instruct yourselves!